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What Did She Say?

Dusty is a prolific word generator.  If you think she’s said something that actually isn’t a word, you’re probably right.  Here’s a glossary for your convenience.

CKP ————————————— Current Knitting Project(s)

Cowoolah —————————— Cowl

Knitties——————————— People that knit

Knititude —————————— Attitude

Knitiot ——————————— Idiot

Ludicrousity ———————— The state of being ludicrous.  Think ‘insanity’.

LYS————————————— Local Yarn Store {If you don’t know this one, you’re not a knitter!} 😀

Moknittomy ————————– Knitting one project at a time

Moknittomist ———————— Someone that only knits one project at a time.

Pinne ———————————– Nostepinne (Manual ball winder)

Polknittomy ————————- Having more than one project on needles at the same time.

Polknittomist ———————– Someone that has more than one project on needles at the same time.

QT —————————————- DL or Down Low; secret

There will be more, I have no doubt.